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Fundacja "Kierowca Bezpieczny"

„I think soberly, I drive soberly” action - the results of the scientific research

As the „I think soberly, I drive soberly” action is finished, the results of the scientific research can be presented. The action was organised by „Safe Driver” Foundation, Warminsko-Mazurski University, the Marschall Office and School-Board in Olsztyn. The main aim of the action was to promote the level of the road safety awareness, and to promote the sober life style among the students.    The research has been conducted by dr Ma³gorzata Przybysz-Zaremba. 1000 students from warminsko-mazurski region have taken part in the research.  According to the results, the specialists will be able to desing programs directed to the youth, concerning road safety and the question of being sober while driving. 

Read the results in Polish.



© Fundacja "Kierowca Bezpieczny"

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